We are learning!

Welcome to our Blog, its nice to meet you! Travis and I are a young married couple learning what it means to live a life of love, and we're doing it in Lubbock, Texas.

When I really look around I find so many things to learn; the truth is that knowledge surrounds us. So that is what this blog is dedicated to: learning. Whether we are learning in the classroom, at the hospital, through books or music, through other blogs, or magazines everyday we encounter something or someone new and we learn from the interaction! I love the idea of sharing thoughts and ideas that help turn dreams into realities, and mostly I am humbled by the opportunity to learn from you. For those of you just meeting us, here is just a bit about Travis and Libby Hall.

After working in Scotland and Houston, Travis relocated to exciting Lubbock, Texas to obtain his Masters in Structural Engineering at Texas Tech University, and graduated May of 2011. 

Besides having a rigorous study schedule and working part time at Parkhill Smith and Cooper, a local architectrual and engineering firm, he is also learning how to be my "go to handy man guy", how to keep our lawn looking spectacular, and how to put up with me 24-7!

I am so blessed to have a Godly man to come home to everyday! Travis is so supportive of everything that I am doing; he has become such a Barnabas for me, he gives me the encouragement and motivation I need to keep going!


I am finishing my medical degree at Texas Tech University Health Science Center, and will graduate May of 2012.  I am in the process of applying and interviewing in Pediatric Residency programs all over the Nation.

 I am a new wife, mother to a crazy puppy, student of medicine, student of DIY design, lover of art, music and photography.  I guess you could say I am a student of life.

Most important are the lessons we are learning together. Together the Lord is teaching us how to be His discples. How to live for him everyday, and how to slowly become reflections of His beauty. In all things we give God the glory. This, I hope, is the one thing that defines the life we are learning to lead together!